going past 38
some days it's terribly unbearable. i've very little will to live right now. every single action is laborious. having to stand up feels like trying to get up from the rubble of a collapsed building. having to walk feels like a trail of burning charcoal lay ahead of me. having to speak feels like forcing myself to vomit the ingested pills as an out from my lame attempt for never waking up ever. even merely letting time pass is taxing. i wish i had a real choice. it's much harder in my head. i look at my inbox full of unread messages from people that either care or who are warm enough to reach out, and i can't bring myself to open them because it means having to be congenial and engaging. that takes brain power. i'm already exhausted enough as it is. not that i don't want these people in my life. i appreciate them a hell of a whole lot, i just don't want to give them anything less than worthwhile. and really i can't help it, i'm a people pleaser. i wa...