
there are brief moments of hope. it's never really gone. it just comes and goes like the flashes of a lighthouse. when it's out, i'm lost. but when it's there, i'm secure.

we're merely vessels on a vast ocean. we wade through the waves, we waft through the winds. it's not up to us whatever the elements throw our way. at most, we can drop an anchor to somehow keep us stable, we can adjust our sails to get blown into a certain direction, we can force our paddles to fight against currents. there are different ways to handle it. some will grip it tightly believing it's all in their hands to make the world bend to their will, some will send out signals to salvage their souls realizing their helplessness and looking to the sky to save them.

i happen to believe i'm at the behest of fate.

now i'm not of the persuasion that life is pre-determined. i'm convinced that the idea of destiny is a human creation. i don't believe that there's this higher power that meticulously plan out our lives. where we are right now and how we interpret the journey that got us to the present is looked through the lens of what patterns make the most sense. there is a certain degree of divine intervention ascribed to the twist and turns that led us here. because we want it to mean something, we want it to have a deeper context. we don't want our hardships and happiness to be for nothing.

and that's why i value the people i have even more.

it easily all could've been due to a cosmic coin toss and i got the better outcome. it easily all could've been some random result of a chaotic universe and it wasn't intended as either a good or bad result. it could go either way.

but whatever the elements throw my way, i will always set my sights to appreciate what i can today.


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