c'est la mort

it doesn't paint a good image if i died today and these were my last few entries.

death doesn't sound like a good idea. you're deprived of another day to be with loved ones, to enjoy your creature comforts, or to contribute through whatever vocation you're pursuing. being dead means you can't make new moments, and all you will be are a collective of memories.

i think death is beautiful. it puts your life in perspective. you're empowered to take action and make the most of your remaining time.

think about it. we're more likely to twiddle our thumbs and scroll through our social media feed when we know we have a surplus of time on our hands. think about it. if you weren't afforded the luxury to get everything you want, you will prioritize certain things over others. think about it. if you knew something was scarce, you will assign a higher worth to it.

don't get it wrong though. death doesn't automatically imbue meaning to life. it merely defines the duration. we still have to determine for what or for whom do we live for. we still need a direction in mind. that sets us into a path. having that gives us an idea of our destination and the objectives we have to go through to get there. being able to tell yourself what is important and worth pursuing gives you a reason to strive towards a higher value. becoming someone worth the time and effort is what gives your existence meaning. it doesn't have to be grand. it can be a simple as being the reason someone smiles today. you do that until the day you die, you would've made thousands of human beings a little bit better off.

and doesn't a lifetime of making the world better far outweigh the tragic last moments of a person?


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