the easy way out is to just disappear and not have to deal with people. wake up, get my own shit done, go back to bed. it's a loop i can die with. having other sentient beings complicate things. it takes so much out of me to afford them patience and understanding. self-preservation dictates i purge people from my life. i'm just so afraid of being hurt again. not that it's an unfounded fear. i still feel the pain when dealing with everyone's complications. i get that we all have personalities and we have to deal with both the good and bad. but i find the simpler and more limited the interaction, the less it hurts. when i go to a store, a cashier doesn't hurt me until they start being an actual person by showing a bit of character by being rude. when i enter a building, a security guard doesn't hurt me until they stop being invisible and interjecting a human interaction. when i open up my phone, friends don't hurt me until they start sending me messages. livin...