ink splatter
very rarely do i get any conversation about my writing method here. because very rarely do i actually know people that read this blog. and it's interesting to see how other seem to think i process my writing. or perhaps they're projecting how they would've done what i'm doing. how they would have concepts or lines prepared in advance. i don't have any of those. i'm not even sure whether i had that before. i just write not knowing the next word i'll be typing. there's the luxury of backspacing and reviewing whether i made grammatical errors or if there's gaps in the throughline. what i'm certain is that my writing is largely driven by emotions and a desire for free expression - so much so that i ignore standard sentence structure... partly because i didn't take my english grammar classes seriously. perhaps my emotions are too amorphous to be adequately contained by language. there are a lot of non-verbal communication lost with merely just wor...