notice me hentai
admiration seeks validation.
i find it difficult to get a grasp of my self-worth. somewhere out there, proof of my capabilities are etched in history or implanted in people's memories, but they all seem so elusive that i can't seem to permanently put them together and package it as who i am. there are rare instances where i can write my resume for employment purposes, but other than that, i don't recall having to wholly prop myself up.
but i know i'm good at something. perhaps better than others, even. there are indeed moments where i actually exert effort to be noteworthy. attention is a valuable currency, intangible as it may be. it becomes even more precious when it comes from people that matter, people i look up to.
as i become more generous in appreciation, my list of people i admire has gotten longer. it is only appropriate to reciprocate the good they bring to the world by bringing good of my own to them.
this isn't altruism, it's a transaction. after all, attention is a valuable currency.
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