woe begotten

it helps to believe in a god that keeps a grand narrative for each and every one of us. 

i've always believed that i'm a pessimist. i've always been afraid of getting off at the wrong train station, i've always worried about making the wrong decisions. but what if our perspective was less inherent and more extrinsically determined? one's outlook is influenced by factors such as experience and expectation. a string of bad things happening to us suggest that we're constantly dealt bad luck, but a belief in a higher power reframes those bad outcomes as part of bigger plan. if we outsource the architecture of our life to a god, then it's easier to focus on engineering the structures that build toward the ideal blueprint.

perhaps my pessimism isn't entirely cured by religion. i certainly am more sensitive to negativity. dogmatic doctrine won't deactivate my disposition. i barely remember the good times. it sucks to grow older because i amass more memories of stupid actions and predicaments. i acknowledge that going through life will be a bigger challenge, perhaps a struggle that comes with this level of introspection. maybe the more we are able to go deep into ourselves, the more we need to sense the ugliness that come with complexity.

i struggle with continuing. i'm running out of coping mechanisms to help me get through the days. i'm stuck because i surround myself with others that also need help. i don't want to bother the downtrodden with my issues. at most, we can share the company in misery, but we need someone out there who will be unbothered with carrying our burdens with us.

i want to have faith in their arrival.


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