internet service provider bonanza

last time i was in touch with the zeitgeist, it seemed as though we were becoming more walled off. that was coming from a time of expansive openness brought about by greater access to information.

i remember a time when i had to purposively go to a library or economize limited dial up internet allocation at home.

when the floodgates opened, we were connected a wide world of both profound and mundane ideas. however, we naturally gravitated to humor.

i had my fun from the novelty of knowing more at an exponential rate. it felt surreal, it felt imposibru. eventually the need for efficient delivery of data resulted in memes. it started with templated images and punchy captions. perhaps as a limitation of copper wire-transmitted internet.

but technology as a way of advancing. 

eventually we needn't be tethered to a wall socket to stay updated. we received internet wirelessly at greater speeds than telephone wires. that's when still image memes were overtaken by videos. they could've have said a thousand words at multiple frames per second, but us humans will be humans.

we're largely shallow. no amount of blazing fast internet speeds could change our sensory stamina. our bandwidth is best suited for brevity. making more high-speed highways won't change the likelihood that most people can only afford economy vehicles. only a few can afford supercars, just like how only a few will have the emotional depth and maturity to constantly deal with the entire weight of the world.

i'm not one of those people. i've been through a lot to scare me into returning to lighthearted hope for life. oftentimes, i don't even have the courage to face myself.

good thing i have an infinite source of memes.


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