above all things

so this is what it feels to be truly damaged.

for the longest time, i've always kept the company of victims. i never really identified with them, just wanted to be a pillar they lean on. i can see that it's hard for them, but i never really understood it. since the biggest betrayal of my life, i've felt nothing but anger and distrust with everyone. i used to be generous with my patience and understanding, but now i don't have a lot to give. however, knowing how it felt when i once had a larger capacity for them, i still try to manage and pretend that i'm still capable. now it's just so miserable that i wish for a car crashing into me or my heart stopping to work.

had i been normal without having gone through the all of my trauma, i'm sure i can make it. now i just don't want to anymore. i can see the point of living. it's not entirely hopeless. but the cost heavily outweighs the benefits. it's going to be hard to keep living without being able to fully finding comfort because there's a part of your head that reminds you that you cannot trust anyone. you'll never know if the warmest smiles are a mere façade. you cannot trust anyone. you can only pretend to meet eye to eye but as soon as you look away, you open yourself up for sabotage. you shouldn't trust anyone. you're a mere tool or stepping stone to everyone else's self-serving journey for their gain. you shouldn't trust anyone. everyone always has an agenda and it's a disservice to yourself to play into them. you will never trust anyone. it has been proven time and time again that even the sincerest intentions are almost always impure.

stop wasting your energy, stop playing the victim. you have no one else but yourself, you play for nobody else's team. you cannot find peace if war follows you. if you're not winning, you must be losing. kindness has gotten you in a worse place. you didn't get what you deserve because you gave the wrong things. if the answers are always wrong then you must not be using the right formula.

the worst time to be caught unarmed is when everyone else is wielding their own weapons.


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