
i really have nothing to write when i don't come from a dark place. i'm like the hulk where his superpower is directly proportional to his anger, my creativity is dependent on my degree of depression.

of which, i've had very little recently.

ironically, the consensus of the collective consciousness of society will claim that this has been a terrible year. there really hasn't been a lot to be happy about for most people. there has been a constant deluge of detrimental damage to our dispositions - magnified by being prisoners of our own homes. with not a lot of distractions to keep us numb, life was utterly painful.

but not for me.

i set out to redeem myself this year come what may. in fact, being cooped up for quite a while did wonders. you always see construction sites covered up, same goes with my rebuilding efforts.

this year i regained steadier footing and an even more anchored resolve. i know what i want, i know what i deserve, and i know what i have to get to make things work this time around. while i may have lost greatly, it nevertheles emboldened me to live a life of generosity. i will no longer lose anymore. i am untouchable. the first act of my redemption arc is finished.

and the next time someone else decides to fuck with me, more than ever, my blades are sharper to cut them off and call it over.


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