stuck market

my patience has been running incredibly thin.

i used to put up with a whole lot more bullshit. i've seen it in all shapes, sizes, and stenches. but given the newfound stresses of daily life that preclude me from finding peace, i haven't been getting the chance to fill up my tank for bullshit buffer.

get in, fulfill your obligations to the bare minimum, get out as quickly as possible.

i'm aware that everyone's got an agenda. i tolerate it for the most part. but it's real work nevertheless. it sounds easy to not do anything, but keeping a vault locked require the strongest of materials. i haven't had a real assessment of how much it takes from me to do so. now that situation has changed, i'm caught offguard with its upkeep. now i'm not one to take away from others the bar that i've set. but resources are finite and the have to come somewhere.

i've become miserable.

i just can't get any break. my generosity has always come from abundance. i don't have that right now. i'm dangerously close to being dried up. i've been running in the red for an extended period of time that i don't think it's sustainable. i don't want it to get to the point of emotional bankruptcy, but a recession can't recover until there's no form of pump priming.

let's see how far can i go with issuing slips of iou.


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