reflective surfaces

anyone who depend on others to fix them is a fucking idiot.

there are people whom i love dearly that think this way - one of them is actually likely to read this - i'm sorry that you have to hear the truth, but you guys are fucking idiots.

it is fucking idiotic to think that someone else knows how to live your life better than you do. first, they have a life of their own to live - carrying two loads when the capacity is limited to one means it's an accident waiting to happen. second, they don't have the entire picture - cause if you can't figure it out on your own, then how do you expect to accurately communicate to someone else all of the confounding factors what you're going through. third, you're flaking out on personal responsibility - if you're gonna give up your life to someone else (which can be idiotic in itself to begin with), then why the fuck are you choosing another mortal when religious figures have had an extensive literature of guidelines on how to live life.

fourth, you should never fucking trust anyone.

other people are just as fallible as we are. some are more well kept together than others, some appear well kept together too - there's a major difference between them. we can be fooled into thinking that just because someone else appears to have pinned down the formula to life, they could do the same for us. that's never the case. man is matter and matter never occupies the same place at the same time. you could share the same space but never the same perspective. but maybe in some roundabout way, having a different set of eyes will yield more effective results? yeah, but eyes don't exactly get anything done other than to notice things.

use your own feet to get somewhere and use your own hands to make something. your birth certificate spells out your name, take ownership of what it symbolizes.

i just told you a load of bullshit that sounds convincing enough. what did i just say about trusting others?


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