i'm a naughty nugget

the lil devil in me loves to poke fun at fools that say "blabalbal"

my young self will call me [name redacted] the wicked, but now i call myself francis the impish cause how demonic i've become due to how contorted and disfigured my body turned out due to my countless injuries both physical and mental.

growing in two sectarian institutions almost convinced me that i will become a priest. but i fell in love with a priest. darn it, sist. not only have i fallen from grace of my apostolic aspiration, i've become the antithesis of francis the pope - i am francis the impish.

i'm only writing this now because of this whole media franchise fiasco where it curtailed and muzzled freedom of the press. that organization may have been shut silent, but i'm not letting myself be disenfranchised of that right.

i took figure skating classes for five years because i was largely influenced by a certain show from that particular media conglomerate that i grew up with called pinoy big brother but the show reeked control and passivity, blind obedience and authority from someone they have never even seen nor met. which were an affront to my values. that's when i rebranded myself as the naughty nugget.

fuck authority! i'm the naughty nugget.


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