
there's a day in the year where i least bit want the spotlight on me.

for the most part, i really don't like being the focus of attention. that's why my government gig fits the kind of person that i am - i work my ass off, i accomplish something significant for society, and there's never a mention of my name. not to be confused with being irrelevant, that's the farthest thing i want to be. i want to wield power, i want to be consequential, but what i don't want is the recognition.

that's why i've always kept the first username i've made since childhood, because all of this is merely a persona. you don't know the man behind the keyboard. all you see is a representation of me. all i am to you is an interpretation of the memories gathered from fleeting bursts of attention you spend to regard me.

this inalienable truth i hold is one i keep for my own and is only true for me. because it gets to a point where perception becomes reality. and the disconnect between mine and yours will, sooner or later, have to reconcile.

until then, am i really who we think i am?


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