an ode to rubenesque figures

i have to give credit to the fat women that have been part of my life. they're the most solid figure i've consistently had.

i'm not sure whether it's a widespread obesity thing, probably not. neither is it simply a matter of me seeking out fat women to have in my life. it's not like a woman's excess of weight affect their personality, other than perhaps having a voracious appetite, and if there's anything i can always get along with it's love for food. and it's not like their perceived huggableness matter to me, physical touch ranks extremely low in my preference for human interactions. admittedly, i will find chunkier women more attractive, but almost all of the fat women in my life have always been platonic arrangements.

so no, i have no idea why there's always a fat woman playing a significant role in my life. but what i am certain of is that i am pretty damn grateful for them no matter how much of a strange recurring theme it may be.

while they may have played vastly different roles in my life, they always stood out. other than occupying more space and hence being easier to see, but with whatever role they had play, they did it well - from being a source of emotional support, a sidekick in adventures, a foil to my foibles. they each had a lesson that they may have unknowingly given me to be a better person.

unfortunately, none of them taught me to not find fat jokes funny.


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