comfortably cloistered

i fucking needed this lockdown.

for the past couple of years, my health has been suffering from all the sleep deprivation. my reckless behavior with my body has left me with an badly injured and borderline geriatric physiology. and i'm looking forward to a month's worth of homecooked meals, workout regimen, creative endeavors, and most importantly, complete sleep and naps in between.

more than a recharge, i really need to put in place particular mechanisms to make sure this is no some short term recovery that will slowly be eroded by returning to my old lifestyle.

unfortunately, this the life i have to life - one of being socially jetlagged, physically drained, and insidiously alienated from the real world.

but the time off is the much needed rain during this psychological drought i've been suffering through. it's great being able to stare outside my window to see clear blue skies above the greeneries and the majestic mountainside view. it's great being able to feel the fresh cool breeze that significantly overpowers any electric fan in the house. it's such a reprieve from being surrounded by concrete jungles and air conditioning.

so while this lockdown has severely limited my movement, i've never felt so freer.


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