
an avid reader of ours had a lovely idea for me to write about random thoughts. not as if twitter existed or that the shit i write here are generally off the cuff. i don't know, maybe she just wants to see me write some stupidity. well here it goes, i'm giving myself one hour to write...

waves of frequency

music is the most important thing in my life, and i say that without hyperbole. i mean yeah sure, biological needs... whatever. but yeah, it's what gets me through tough times, it's what accompanies me during happy times and really those are the only two times life has. so the 20-something dollars i spent on a year's worth of spotify subscription has been the best purchase i've made in quite a while. in fact a lot of my irrational purchases have been on music-related things - like an overpowered car stereo, earphones custom-made specifically for my ear canals, dj-grade headphones, and at the very least, a dainty bluetooth speaker. to say the least, music adds color to my life - even if the metaphor is a bit off since color is a visual thing, and music is a sound thing.

borne from heavenly beef

after my recent break up, i've sought social stability by making new friends because it's really the only effective way to deal with loneliness. i mean what a concept, don't want to be lonely? be with other people! so yeah, duh. among the various relationships i've made, there's this one friend whose social dynamic we have together i particularly like. in a nutshell, it's what i've always wanted - a close relationship with a girl whom i believe we have a functional similarity of wavelengths that makes our time together fun as it is meaningful that doesn't have any romantic undertones (other than what the outside observers think). while she's using me to make people think she and i are dating to ward off a persistent suitor, and in a lot of ways that's manipulative, i'd surmise that it's not the entire reason we're carving off time from our schedule for each other.

culinary timesink

sandwiches are the most efficient food ever.

it's been a couple of years since i first discovered that cooking is my passion. so much so that on down times, i would visualize a more efficient way of dicing onions, or formulating recipes in my head. if it weren't for the shit pay for cooks, i would've brought my ass to cookery school despite having a college degree already. i would spend hours of my day in the kitchen bettering my skill that results into a dish that i will devour in mere minutes. so sandwiches are great in that the amount of time it takes to make it is the same amount of time it takes to eat it. sometimes when i make a batch of sandwiches for the week, i'm at a loss for what else should i spend my free time on.

but having a disproportionate cooking-to-eating time ratio isn't so much of an issue with me. it's an endeavor to continually improve my skill, and that's what matters more. besides, i'm more of a journey rather than the destination kind of guy.


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