deus next machina

exes are exes for a reason.

people start liking others for an infinite amount of possible reasons. it's easy, especially starting with a blank slate. you simply have to use your senses - the way they disarm you with droopy eyes, the way their musky scent exudes an air of authority, the way their voice enchants you with its inherent melodiousness. but just as simple as it gets, it won't get you very far.

it takes two. a degree of reciprocity has to be present to move any relationship forward. there will be hits, there will be misses. we go through life encountering many different people along the way, there are those whom we have kept, those whom we have let floating around, and those whom we have made sure to be as far away as humanly possible. but we don't have all the time in the world for everyone - we have to choose those that remain as constants.

growth and development takes time, and the more we clock in, the deeper our relationships become. it'll almost always be a given when you share interests, experiences, and struggles. but it's something you can have with anyone with enough openness and understanding. it takes a certain kind of special to take it to an entirely different level.

call it chemistry, call it whatever - but there will always be that unique link that will get any two people from a mere spark to an enduring flame. no matter how long it burns: months, years, decades, a romantic relationship is like a puzzle that fits in all the right places despite all the wrong pieces that come with being two entirely different people.

having decided on a person whom you will move forward with hands held together, it opens up your world to an entirely different level of beauty. every experience will be enrapturing and your partner's perpetual presence will be preferable. you will start using words that you don't fully comprehend its implications like "love" and "forever"

the highs will come with lows. disagreements, misunderstandings, and just outright hurtful decisions will be a commonplace. when you start committing to someone, it's when you start seeing how truly bad of a person your partner is, if you haven't already. but it's in those adversities that the toughness of your ties are tested.

strength and durability takes work, and the more we overcome obstacles, the better our relationships become. it'll almost always be a given when you share values, aspirations, and love for one another. but it's something you can't have even with enough attraction and perseverance. it takes a certain kind of special to keep it at an entirely different level.

it takes one. there will always be that breaking point - when a non-negotiable has been breached, when your directions have become divergent, or when you simply have just given up on making it work any further. re-runs happen here and there, but once that point of no return has been crossed, then that spells the end of your chapter together.

and when it's truly terminated, exes stay as exes for a reason.


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