cage against the machine

there aren't enough people in the world that are honest with themselves.

perhaps it's a coping mechanism to deal with anxieties daily life brings us. it really is much easier to shape our reality than to be shaped into the various cracks and crevices of all the convoluted circumstances we're thrown into. rolling with the punches mean being hit, being in pain - that's not good - prevailing wisdom is it's better to block or avoid the negativity and by blocking the undesirable thoughts, we avoid getting hurt... or at least we think.

i think it's dumb. you shortchange yourself from living a full life by not stretching yourself to deal with necessary evils. but i was never one to protect people from their own idiocy. i find that lessons are best learned when experienced firsthand. people should be making mistakes left and right, and growing from it too. but oftentimes, people keep walking into the same hazards and finding themselves in the same ditch they dug themselves out of because we never truly are mindful of the path to the pitfalls we're desperately trying to avoid.

there is value in honestly revisiting everything which caused you pain and objectively observing the threats by standing on the edge of what's humanly safe, because it's when you push yourself to the limit, your comfort zone expands, and when you have a bigger room for confidence, you're able to overcome more things.

because the worst kind of prison is one which you've built for yourself.


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