a decade in retrospect

i'm writing for a friend to prove a point.

as a lot of people are hyping up the start of the new decade, being the curmudgeon that i am, i'm not joining in any of the festivities that celebrate the milestone of an arbitrary revolution of the earth around the sun. i don't wait for occasions to make any day special, that has always been my thing, i may have even written about it several times in the blogs i've kept through the decades.

but what i can take part in is the retrospect of the decade that was.

i can objectively count the highs and lows of the past ten years - i've gone through two graduations, but i barely remember anything from school. i've had two girlfriends, but i'm still a sorry excuse for a lover. i've been both a football player and a coach, but i still can't do basic juggling. i've kept a physically fit lifestyle, but i've nursed an injury in every major ligament on my body. i've travelled to several countries, but i've ardently avoided all interactions with non-native english speakers. i've represented both my government agency and the country in several work sorties, but... well i can't really think of anything negative related to it - i love my job, and i'm still excited for mondays.

a lot of times i'll feel pretty down, to the point of getting well acquainted with rock bottom even. but when you take a step back and see the bigger picture, it's pretty darn swell actually. a bad day, a bad week, a bad month even, or even worse a bad year; in perspective, they're all merely part of a vibrant tapestry of an extremely eventful decade.

for all the loose ends, tie ups, and broken stitches - the weaving of my life's plot thread continues, no matter how many times the needle pricks us, i'm certain we'll find beauty when we're done with this opus.


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