matrimonial menace

it would have been royally shameful to be seen in wedding pictures with her.

bridal dresses are supposed to be white to denote purity and it would be a farce for us to be in such a ceremony because she is the farthest thing from pure. it would have brought an intense amount of humiliation for me to be seen by the men she had fucked around with to be locked in a relationship with such a trashy lady. they would think that they scored one on me because they managed to squeezed their dicks in while i was away. but thankfully, i'll be the guy, and the numerous other people that know her misdeeds, who will be laughing at the idiot who decides to spend an entire life with that whore of a woman.

not only will the pictures with her bastard be the only thing shameful about her life moving forward, but also any other memories involving her and the fool that thinks they're both in love.

it was a good call for us to never be public. i would hate to be the poster boy for the other guys she's been playing. cause i personally think her then-boyfriend was a fool for having a girl like her flirt around with me while they were together. our first night together, she sneakily changed her laptop's wallpaper from her boyfriend to some random cartoon. perhaps i had known that risky behavior pretty damn well so i made sure safeguards were in place to make sure i won't be the idiot this time around. what got into me back then anyway?

but then again, she barely knows a thing about men - and that after they're done, they'll come to their senses, and they will see her for who she truly is: a hoe that needs to be gone.


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