gender equanimity

people detached from the situation would've wanted me to care for the child. and that's what she would've wanted too.

but what people don't get is that she was smart about it. she knew that the morally upright thing to do is to be responsible for a child regardless of the circumstance - and she knew to use that as a license to do a morally reprehensible act of siphoning funds from a married man in exchange for sexual favors. so to those that want me to be responsible for the child - you are all being played.

she wanted her cake and eat it too, and this time, the law in fact allows her to do so. the evidence pinning her of the misdeeds are locked inside her inbox. i admit, i will never have as strong as a case as hers. whereas the proof of me being the dad, and hence responsible for the child, is a couple of strands of hair away.

that's the truly embittering part about this; it's not the infidelity - couples have that all the time, it's not the emotional and psychological abuse - we've had our fair share of that, neither is it the deceit - she lies to me every step of the way; it's how i'm helpless in a situation unfairly designed to favor her despite her doing the wrong thing for the right reasons to get the desired results.

if it's the right thing to do to provide for your own kid that was borne out of infidelity, then you are an idiot that fails to recognize the bigger picture. she got my sperm and got the sugar daddy's money - and still i'm required to give her money too? what the actual fuck, my niggers, have some logic.

in an ideal world, she just continues sucking off some married dude's dick for money and use that to provide for her family. she's already plunged into pyre of prohibited proclivities, might as well go all in. she's in her early 20s, that's a good decade of beauty she can capitalize on. men will only get older and get richer, that's her target market, earn a living there. i, on my government salary, can barely pay off debt and car repairs because i lost a shitload of savings due my bitch of an ex-girlfriend not having the decency to share payment on dinner bills or other expenses. and then she goes off getting a sugar daddy while still allowing me to waste money on her?

i'm totally for women empowerment, they desperately need it. but can we call a spade a spade and see that she's abusing the damn system?


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