positive visualization

the best case scenario is that my ex totally disappears from my life.

even without any way to prove that the bastard is mine, her silence will allow me to conclusively confirm that i never got her pregnant. because we have already established that she is a whore, who knows how many men she's bedded while claiming to love me. and i could chalk this experience up as a case of satan deciding to screw with me.

the next best case scenario is that my ex reaches out to me and desperately tries to prove i'm the dad - to failure.

this will entail a drain on my resources - time, money, energy. but it's going to be sweet to prove to her, and hopefully her family too, that she is indeed a whore. and i could chalk this experience up as a case of the universe rewarding me the retribution i deserve.

the next best case scenario is that my ex suffers a miscarriage.

that will foil my plot to ruin her life forever by burdening her with a bastard in such an unlovable state she truly is in. however, let's face it, she's gonna lie through her teeth to project a public persona of purity, and perhaps next time she'll wisen up to learn to do a better job of hiding how much of a whore she is to her future victim. but the good thing however is that there is at least there's zero risk of any further resource drain on my part. nevertheless, the blood oozing out her vagina will be the metaphorical juices of the fruits of my labor to bring her, in my own little way, the suffering she deserves. and i could chalk this experience up as a near miss with a fatal bullet that would leave minimal scarring - for me at least.

however for her, i sincerely wish the worst.


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