
"maybe i've seen enough to know that i won't make a difference" - that's a quote from someone who used to really like his job. a friend sent that to me. either the intent was to nudge me away from the job that i do cause she lowkey cares that i'm selling myself short by settling for a small salary, or maybe it's a call for help cause she secretly hates her career trajectory.

either way i think what truly matters is the difference our lives make - given that work takes a shitload of time from our daily lives, next to sleep. we want the work that we do make a difference, be it egocentrically through personal gain to get better things and live a better life, or altruistically for the benefit of our customers, clients or beneficiaries.

cause when you look back, people in the olden times that hunted, farmed and foraged worked to put actual food on the table. and food extends life, and life is a platform to experience pleasures, and pleasures are what makes us look forward to the next day. so as long as you're deriving pleasure or a sense of value from what you spend your time on, be it work, a business, or a craft, then we'll keep putting in the time.

i'm being buddhist in my life by letting go of more and more things, that won't afford me certain luxuries in life, but i'd argue is my life really THAT miserable compared to those who have more money?


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