lovers to friends

You're not supposed to fall in love with a best friend. While it may be grand to have your romantic partner your best friend, think for a second - would you have sex with any of your best friends?

I argue that best friends and lovers should be two different things. Yes, there may be overlaps, they're both sources of comfort, deep and enduring relationships, but at their core they are for different people. With a lover, you need butterflies in your stomach, a fire inside you that you want to share with that person so you are both ravaged by an intense passion. With a best friend, however, there is that safe space where you can be completely who you are without any reservations for hurting someone's feelings that would have been vulnerable had there been rules of absolute loyalty.

You should keep both, and make sure they're not the same person, nor in the same social circle. There is great value in compartmentalizing your life.


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