das moderne love

kids these days

i sure as shit miss the good old days of not having to be concerned with sending selfies or memes. it feels too pre-packaged and generic. it predicates that i will allot time to scroll through my news feed (which is in itself a massive waste of time, in my estimation) for something worth sharing.

after which, there's barely a conversation about it, it just goes by without any depth.

and if there's anything i crave for it's deep conversations with intellectual peers. i'm fine, even, with an intellectual superior pontificating their academic brilliance if it means my mind will be stimulated. that's how hungry i am. the most i'm getting recently are "educational" youtube videos. perhaps that's the outlook of my life, i'll grow old and alone with smart people on the screen keeping me company.

and my neighbor finding out i'm rotting on the couch.


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