we only truly experience each other once. yeah sure, we have friends and family, at worst, we have enemies. yeah sure, we know of celebrities and random strangers. yeah sure, people keep an identity, either fixed - such as name and ethnicity - or mutable - such as personality quirks or sartorial expression. but the permutations of who they are and how we regard them changes through time. so who we are years ago is as different as who we are now and will be more so years down the line. we have a reasonable expectation of order - where we foresee regular patterns of the person we know now, their name, the way they present themselves, the history we share with them. somehow, we hold onto personas like they are permanent constructs. but life is hardly predictably linear. there are so many moving parts beyond our control. sometimes we even find it difficult to be disciplined. we can only hope for everyone else to show us a semblance of stability. however, i think it's tenuous to outsour...