
Showing posts from January, 2023

return to dust

there should be a special place in our hearts for friends from the opposite sex. we don't always have to fuck them. they're not always attractive. they're not always the right complement to how we want to build our future. there are roles people play in our lives, and we can't have them all in one person. we probably can? if we lower our standards enough? if we overestimate humanity's capacity for change? i still believe in magic. but i've changed my view in believing that magic is found in little pockets of serendipity, rather than an overt life-changing event worthy of epic closing credits. i'm happy when i discover them. i cherish them with people whom i share those moments. they're like fairy dust sparsely sprinkled all throughout my life. i don't make a big deal out of it because they're ultimately just dust. my mere mortality can barely affect things outside of my imagination. even my own actions can only do so much. because for dust to mea

seductive smithing

almost cheating is healthy. it helps to find someone that makes us feel wanted like it's the first time they wanted you. i don't think you can get that from a long-term partner. fun of novelty is gone and is replaced by a more special mundanity. we want the excitement of new relationships, but we need the stability of enduring partnerships. being appreciated by someone new helps us see ourselves in a different way. it makes us have a more well-rounded perspective of who we are. even without making it sound profound, having someone validate us simply feels good. it starts to become dangerous when we reciprocate the appreciation - to which degree is it acceptable, i don't know. i reckon it's when your reciprocation results in reducing regard for your partner. i'm not sure they're mutually exclusive. but trying to accommodate seemingly disparate things require carefully considering complexities. the simple solution is to never dare playing with fire. step away from